Board of Trustees
Ann Johnson, Northwest
Nancy Strolle, Midwest
Sandra Weyman, East
National Judges
Janis Burkhardt, Chair, Midwest
Kathleen Drummond, East
Cindy Kopenski, Midwest
Steven MacRae, Northwest
Lindsay Recknagel, Southeast
Marie Darling, Southwest
Kyla Groeschel, West
Technical Advisory
Janis Burkhardt, Chair, Midwest
Lynne Erbrick, East
Sandra Weyman, East
Cheryl Kirby, Southeast
Diane Krugh, Southwest
Donna Cusack, Southwest
Anne Donlan, Southwest
Ann Johnson, Northwest
Alison Plemmons, Midwest
Steven MacRae, Northwest
Aileen Robertson, Scotland
Professional Development
Lynne Erbrick, Chair, East
Anne-Marie Berens, East
Alison Whitlow, Midwest
Heather Morris, Southwest
Trisha Bacon, Southeast
Kathryn Austin, Southeast
Mackenzie Keene, Northwest
Kyla Groeschel, West
Alumni Connections
Friends of ScotDance USA
Kathryn Walker, Southeast
Towns Killough, Southeast
Margo Rosenthal, Southeast
Marketing & Promotions
Cailine Drummond, East
Casey Anne Drummond, East
Jocelyn West, Northwest
Jennifer Tallman, Chair, Midwest
Katherine Austin, Southeast
EJ Bennet, Southwest
National Registrar
Diane Krugh, Southwest
Ann Johnson, Chair, Northwest
Janis Burkhardt, Midwest
Laura Donlan, East
Heather Fiedler, East
Sandra Weyman, East
National Competition Regional Liaisons
Anne Donlan, Chair, Southwest
Lynne Erbrick, East
Ann Johnson, Northwest
Elaine Burgin, Southeast
Mary Beth Klein, Southwest
Melissa Lindsey, Midwest
Pamela Ashworth, West
USIR Trophies
Karen Rubach, East
Hall of Fame
Kyla Groeschel, Chair, West
Sharon Farrar, West
Christie Freestone, Midwest
Ann Johnson, Northwest
Sandra Weyman, East
Lindsay Recknagel, Chair, Southeast
USIR Scrutineer
Mary Recknagel, Southeast